1st Grade Classroom Jobs for Students

1St Grade Classroom Jobs


Having classroom jobs is a wonderful way to instill a sense of responsibility and teamwork among 1st-grade students. By assigning specific tasks to each student, they not only learn important life skills but also contribute to the smooth functioning of the classroom. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs that are suitable for 1st-grade students.


Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an orderly manner when moving from one location to another, such as during recess or field trips. This job helps the student develop leadership skills and encourages them to be responsible and considerate of their classmates.

Line Leader

Door Holder

The door holder's role is to hold the door open for the class when entering or leaving the classroom. This job teaches the student about manners, patience, and the importance of helping others.

Door Holder

Class Librarian

The class librarian is responsible for organizing and maintaining the classroom library. They ensure that books are returned to their proper place and help their peers find books of interest. This job fosters a love for reading and helps students develop organizational skills.

Class Librarian

Weather Reporter

The weather reporter's duty is to observe and report the weather conditions each day. They can create a simple weather chart and update it regularly. This job enhances the student's observation skills and introduces them to basic weather concepts.

Weather Reporter

Pencil Monitor

The pencil monitor ensures that there are enough sharpened pencils available for all students. They collect dull pencils, sharpen them, and distribute them when needed. This job teaches responsibility and organization.

Pencil Monitor

Attendance Taker

The attendance taker marks the attendance of fellow students each morning. They learn to be attentive and responsible while keeping track of their classmates' presence. This job also helps improve their familiarity with their peers' names.

Attendance Taker

Lunch Helper

The lunch helper assists the teacher in distributing lunch boxes or trays and ensures that everyone receives their meal. They also help clean up after lunchtime. This job promotes cooperation and empathy.

Lunch Helper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is in charge of updating the classroom calendar. They mark important dates, such as birthdays or field trips, and remind the class about upcoming events. This job helps students develop time management skills.

Calendar Keeper

Plant Caretaker

The plant caretaker waters and takes care of the classroom plants. They learn about the needs of plants and develop a sense of responsibility towards living things. This job also adds a touch of nature to the classroom environment.

Plant Caretaker

Trash Collector

The trash collector ensures that the classroom remains clean and tidy. They empty trash bins and encourage their peers to dispose of waste properly. This job promotes cleanliness and instills a sense of pride in the classroom.

Trash Collector


The substitute job is assigned to a student who is absent on a particular day. The substitute takes over the absent student's responsibilities and ensures that the classroom jobs are efficiently carried out. This job teaches flexibility and empathy.



Introducing classroom jobs to 1st-grade students not only teaches them essential life skills but also empowers them to contribute to the classroom community. These jobs foster a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and empathy among the students. By assigning age-appropriate tasks, teachers can create a positive and engaging learning environment.

Related video of 1st Grade Classroom Jobs for Students