20 Classroom Jobs

Classroom Jobs


Assigning classroom jobs to students can be a valuable way to teach responsibility, teamwork, and organizational skills. By involving students in the daily maintenance of the classroom, teachers can create a cooperative learning environment. This article presents 20 different classroom jobs that can be assigned to students to enhance their engagement and sense of ownership in the classroom.

1. Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an organized manner when moving around the school. This job helps develop leadership skills and promotes orderliness among students.

2. Door Holder

Door Holder

The door holder assists classmates by holding doors open and practicing good manners. This job promotes kindness and consideration towards others.

3. Paper Collector

Paper Collector

The paper collector is responsible for collecting and organizing assignments or papers handed out in class. This job helps develop organizational skills and keeps the classroom tidy.

4. Librarian


The librarian is in charge of maintaining the classroom library. They organize books, check them in and out, and ensure the library is neat and orderly.

5. Board Cleaner

Board Cleaner

The board cleaner erases the whiteboard or chalkboard at the end of the day. This job promotes cleanliness and keeps the board ready for the next day's lessons.

6. Materials Manager

Materials Manager

The materials manager is responsible for distributing and collecting materials, such as pencils, erasers, and art supplies. This job helps students develop organizational skills and ensures everyone has the necessary resources.

7. Calendar Keeper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper updates the classroom calendar with important events, birthdays, and holidays. This job helps students stay informed and teaches them about time management.

8. Messenger


The messenger relays messages between the teacher and other staff members or students. This job promotes communication skills and responsibility.

9. Plant Caretaker

Plant Caretaker

The plant caretaker is responsible for watering and caring for plants in the classroom. This job teaches students about responsibility and the importance of nurturing living things.

10. Attendance Monitor

Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor keeps track of daily attendance and reports it to the teacher. This job promotes accountability and helps develop organizational skills.

11. Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and troubleshoot classroom technology, such as computers or projectors. This job promotes technological literacy and problem-solving skills.

12. Snack Helper

Snack Helper

The snack helper assists in distributing snacks or drinks during designated times. This job teaches responsibility and fosters a sense of community during snack breaks.

13. Photographer


The photographer captures candid moments or special events in the classroom. This job promotes creativity and helps document memories throughout the school year.

14. Timekeeper


The timekeeper helps the teacher manage time during activities or transitions. This job promotes time management skills and keeps the class on schedule.

15. Classroom Reporter

Classroom Reporter

The classroom reporter shares news or updates about the class during morning meetings or newsletters. This job enhances communication skills and encourages students to reflect on their experiences.

16. Art Supply Manager

Art Supply Manager

The art supply manager keeps art materials organized and informs the teacher when supplies are running low. This job develops organizational skills and ensures students have access to necessary art resources.

17. Classroom DJ

Classroom Dj

The classroom DJ selects and plays music during appropriate times in the classroom. This job promotes creativity, enhances the learning environment, and boosts student morale.

18. Sanitation Monitor

Sanitation Monitor

The sanitation monitor ensures cleanliness by reminding students to clean their desks and organizing classroom cleanup activities. This job promotes hygiene and a clean learning environment.

19. Weather Reporter

Weather Reporter

The weather reporter provides daily weather updates to the class. This job encourages students to observe and report on weather patterns, enhancing their scientific knowledge.

20. Homework Monitor

Homework Monitor

The homework monitor ensures all students submit their homework assignments on time. This job promotes accountability and teaches students about responsibility.

Related video of 20 Classroom Jobs