Classroom Jobs for 6th Grade Students

Classroom Jobs

Having classroom jobs is an excellent way to instill a sense of responsibility and ownership among 6th-grade students. Assigning specific tasks to students not only helps in maintaining an organized and efficient classroom but also teaches valuable life skills. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs that are suitable for 6th graders and how they contribute to their overall development.

1. Desk Organizer

Desk Organizer

The desk organizer is responsible for ensuring that all desks are clean, tidy, and well-maintained. They can distribute supplies, such as pencils, erasers, and rulers, to their classmates whenever needed. This job helps students develop organizational skills and promotes a clean learning environment.

2. Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is in charge of leading the class in an orderly manner during transitions between classrooms or other areas of the school. They help maintain discipline and ensure that everyone follows the line etiquettes. This job fosters leadership skills and teaches students the importance of responsibility.

3. Paper Collector

Paper Collector

The paper collector is responsible for collecting papers, assignments, and other important documents from their classmates. They ensure that everything is neatly organized and submitted to the teacher on time. This job helps students develop a sense of accountability and punctuality.

4. Librarian


The librarian is in charge of maintaining the classroom library. They organize books, keep track of borrowed books, and assist classmates in finding suitable reading materials. This job promotes a love for reading and helps students improve their organizational skills.

5. Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps with the setup and maintenance of classroom technology, such as computers, projectors, and audiovisual equipment. They assist classmates in troubleshooting minor technical issues and ensure that all devices are in proper working condition. This job enhances students' technical skills and fosters problem-solving abilities.

6. Attendance Monitor

Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor keeps track of attendance records, noting absentees, and informing the teacher about any discrepancies. They may also assist in distributing attendance sheets and ensuring their classmates sign in correctly. This job helps students develop attention to detail and responsibility.

7. Classroom Messenger

Classroom Messenger

The classroom messenger is responsible for delivering messages or notes from the teacher to their classmates. They ensure effective communication within the classroom and maintain confidentiality when required. This job enhances students' communication skills and teaches them the importance of trust.

8. Materials Manager

Materials Manager

The materials manager is in charge of organizing and distributing classroom materials, such as art supplies, worksheets, or stationery. They ensure that everyone has the necessary materials for various activities or assignments. This job promotes organizational skills and helps students understand the value of shared resources.

9. Timekeeper


The timekeeper helps the teacher manage classroom time effectively. They remind their classmates about upcoming transitions, breaks, or the end of a class period. This job enhances students' time management skills and teaches them to be punctual.

10. Environmental Monitor

Environmental Monitor

The environmental monitor ensures that the classroom environment is clean, organized, and eco-friendly. They may remind classmates to turn off lights, recycle properly, or keep the classroom free from litter. This job raises awareness about environmental responsibility and promotes sustainable habits among students.


Assigning classroom jobs for 6th graders not only helps in maintaining a well-structured learning environment but also fosters essential life skills. Whether it's organizing desks, leading lines, collecting papers, or managing technology, these responsibilities teach students accountability, leadership, and organization. By actively participating in these roles, 6th graders can develop a sense of ownership and contribute positively to their classroom community.

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