Classroom Jobs for 3rd Grade

Classroom Jobs For 3Rd Grade


Assigning classroom jobs to students in 3rd grade can have numerous benefits. It not only teaches responsibility and teamwork but also helps create a sense of ownership and belonging within the classroom. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs suitable for 3rd-grade students, enabling them to actively contribute to the smooth functioning of the classroom environment.


Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an orderly manner during transitions, such as moving from the classroom to the cafeteria or from one activity to another. This role helps develop leadership skills and encourages the student to be a role model for their peers.

Line Leader

Door Holder

The door holder is in charge of holding the door open for classmates when entering or leaving the classroom. This job instills manners and teaches students to be considerate of others.

Door Holder

Materials Manager

The materials manager is responsible for distributing and collecting materials, such as worksheets, textbooks, or art supplies, as needed throughout the day. This job helps students develop organizational skills and ensures that everyone has the necessary materials for each task.

Materials Manager

Class Librarian

The class librarian maintains the classroom library, ensuring that books are organized and easily accessible. They also assist fellow students in finding appropriate reading materials and encourage a love for reading.

Class Librarian

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and troubleshoot any technological devices used in the classroom, such as computers or projectors. They assist classmates and the teacher in utilizing technology effectively for educational purposes.

Technology Assistant

Class Photographer

The class photographer captures memorable moments during class activities and events. They are responsible for taking photographs and organizing them into a digital or physical album, preserving memories for the entire class.

Class Photographer

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is responsible for updating the classroom calendar, including marking important dates, birthdays, or upcoming events. This job helps the student develop time management skills and awareness of important deadlines.

Calendar Keeper

Recycling Monitor

The recycling monitor ensures that the classroom recycling bins are used correctly. They educate classmates on recycling practices and help maintain a clean and eco-friendly environment.

Recycling Monitor

Attendance Assistant

The attendance assistant helps the teacher in keeping track of attendance. They mark absent students, help distribute attendance sheets, and ensure accurate record-keeping.

Attendance Assistant

Bulletin Board Decorator

The bulletin board decorator is in charge of creating visually appealing displays on the classroom bulletin board. They showcase student work, highlight educational themes, and contribute to the overall aesthetics of the classroom.

Bulletin Board Decorator

Plant Caretaker

The plant caretaker is responsible for watering and caring for any plants in the classroom. This job helps teach students about responsibility, nurturing, and the importance of taking care of living things.

Plant Caretaker

Table Captain

The table captain ensures that the assigned table is clean, organized, and ready for learning. They assist classmates in maintaining a tidy workspace and promote a cooperative and productive learning environment.

Table Captain

Substitute Helper

The substitute helper assists substitute teachers by providing information about classroom routines, schedules, and helping classmates adapt to the temporary change. This role supports a smooth transition during the absence of the regular teacher.

Substitute Helper

Lunch Monitor

The lunch monitor helps maintain order and ensures that classmates follow cafeteria rules during lunchtime. They can also assist younger students or those in need, promoting a positive and inclusive lunch experience.

Lunch Monitor

Playground Captain

The playground captain promotes safe and inclusive play during recess. They encourage classmates to engage in fair play, resolve conflicts, and ensure that playground equipment is used appropriately.

Playground Captain

Homework Checker

The homework checker assists the teacher in ensuring that all classmates have completed and submitted their homework. They can help collect assignments, check for completion, and provide support to classmates who may need assistance.

Homework Checker

Art Supplies Monitor

The art supplies monitor manages the distribution and collection of art materials during art lessons. They ensure that materials are used responsibly and help classmates with any art-related needs.

Art Supplies Monitor

Classroom Greeter

The classroom greeter welcomes visitors, such as guest speakers, parents, or other students, into the classroom. They offer assistance, provide necessary information, and create a friendly and inclusive atmosphere.

Classroom Greeter

Lost and Found Manager

The lost and found manager keeps track of lost items in the classroom. They maintain an organized system for lost belongings, help classmates find their lost items, and periodically remind everyone to check the lost and found area.

Lost And Found Manager

Classroom Reporter

The classroom reporter is responsible for sharing important classroom news or events with the school community. They can write articles for the school newsletter, create presentations, or contribute to the class blog.

Classroom Reporter

Snack Helper

The snack helper assists the teacher in distributing snacks or refreshments to classmates. They ensure that everyone receives their snack and may also help with cleanup afterward.

Snack Helper

Table Washer

The table washer is responsible for maintaining cleanliness by wiping down tables and keeping the classroom environment tidy. This job promotes hygiene and a sense of pride in the classroom.

Table Washer

Homework Monitor

The homework monitor helps classmates stay organized by reminding them of upcoming assignments and deadlines. They assist students in recording homework in their planners and encourage a consistent homework routine.

Homework Monitor

Classroom Pet Caretaker

If the classroom has a pet, the pet caretaker is responsible for ensuring its well-being. They feed and provide water for the pet, clean its habitat, and monitor its health with the guidance of the teacher.

Classroom Pet Caretaker

Tablet Manager

The tablet manager organizes and maintains classroom tablets or other electronic devices. They ensure that devices are charged, apps are updated, and help classmates with any technical issues related to their use.

Tablet Manager

Fitness Ambassador

The fitness ambassador promotes physical activity and healthy habits within the classroom. They can lead short exercise breaks, encourage classmates to make healthy choices, and remind everyone of the importance of staying active.

Fitness Ambassador

Positive Note Writer

The positive note writer spreads positivity and encouragement throughout the classroom. They write thoughtful notes to classmates, recognizing their achievements, acts of kindness, or efforts, fostering a supportive and uplifting classroom environment.

Positive Note Writer

Homework Helper

The homework helper assists classmates who may need extra support with their homework. They can explain concepts, provide guidance, or work collaboratively on assignments, fostering a sense of teamwork and academic growth.

Homework Helper


Implementing classroom jobs for 3rd-grade students offers various benefits, including the development of responsibility, teamwork, and a sense of ownership. By assigning these jobs, teachers can create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where students actively contribute to the smooth running of daily activities.

Related video of Classroom Jobs for 3rd Grade