Classroom Jobs for 5th Grade

Classroom Jobs For 5Th Grade


In a 5th-grade classroom, involving students in various classroom jobs can be a great way to promote responsibility, teamwork, and a sense of ownership. Assigning classroom jobs not only helps the teacher manage the classroom more efficiently but also empowers students to take charge of their learning environment. Let's explore some exciting and age-appropriate classroom jobs for 5th graders.

1. Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader takes charge of leading the class when moving around the school premises. This job fosters leadership skills and teaches students to model good behavior while walking in a line.

2. Door Holder

Door Holder

The door holder is responsible for holding the classroom door open for classmates and teachers. This job promotes kindness and courtesy among students.

3. Librarian


The librarian takes care of the classroom library, ensuring books are organized, shelves are tidy, and books are returned on time. This job encourages a love for reading and responsibility for shared resources.

4. Materials Manager

Materials Manager

The materials manager is responsible for distributing and collecting classroom materials, such as worksheets, pencils, and other supplies. This job teaches organizational skills and accountability.

5. Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and troubleshoot technical devices in the classroom, such as computers, projectors, or tablets. This job enhances students' technological proficiency and problem-solving skills.

6. Gardener


The gardener takes care of plants and ensures they are watered regularly. This job introduces students to the concept of responsibility towards living things and the environment.

7. Calendar Keeper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper updates the class calendar, marking important dates, events, and upcoming assignments. This job helps students develop organizational skills and stay informed about the class schedule.

8. Messenger


The messenger delivers notes, messages, or assignments to other classrooms or the school office. This job enhances communication skills and responsibility.

9. Clean-Up Crew

Clean-Up Crew

The clean-up crew ensures the classroom is tidy and organized by arranging desks, returning materials, and cleaning up after activities. This job instills a sense of communal responsibility and cleanliness.

10. Timekeeper


The timekeeper assists the teacher in managing time during different activities or transitions. This job helps students develop time management skills and learn the importance of punctuality.

11. Attendance Monitor

Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor keeps track of classmates' attendance and reports it to the teacher. This job promotes responsibility and attentiveness in maintaining accurate records.

12. Board Eraser

Board Eraser

The board eraser is in charge of cleaning the chalkboard or whiteboard, ensuring a clean surface for the teacher and classmates. This job encourages attention to detail and cleanliness.

13. Environmental Monitor

Environmental Monitor

The environmental monitor ensures lights, fans, and other electrical devices are turned off when not in use. This job promotes energy conservation and environmental awareness.

14. Class Photographer

Class Photographer

The class photographer captures memorable moments and events through photographs. This job encourages creativity and documentation of the class's journey.

15. Health and Safety Officer

Health And Safety Officer

The health and safety officer reminds classmates to follow proper hygiene practices and ensures safety measures are observed. This job promotes health-consciousness and safety awareness.

16. Group Leader

Group Leader

The group leader facilitates group activities, encourages collaboration, and ensures everyone's participation. This job enhances leadership and teamwork skills.

17. Snack Helper

Snack Helper

The snack helper assists in distributing snacks and ensures cleanliness during snack times. This job promotes responsibility and good manners.

18. Lost and Found Monitor

Lost And Found Monitor

The lost and found monitor keeps track of lost items, helps classmates find their belongings, and maintains the lost and found area. This job teaches responsibility and empathy.

19. Art Supplies Organizer

Art Supplies Organizer

The art supplies organizer ensures art materials are properly stored, sorted, and ready for use. This job promotes creativity and organization.

20. Recess Equipment Manager

Recess Equipment Manager

The recess equipment manager takes care of recess equipment, distributes it to classmates, and ensures its proper storage. This job encourages responsibility and fosters fair play during outdoor activities.


Implementing classroom jobs in a 5th-grade class is an excellent way to empower students and instill valuable life skills. From leadership roles to organizational tasks, each job provides unique learning opportunities and promotes a sense of belonging within the classroom community. By assigning these jobs, teachers can create a more efficient and student-driven learning environment.

Related video of Classroom Jobs for 5th Grade