Classroom Jobs for 6th Grade

Classroom Jobs For 6Th Grade


In a 6th-grade classroom, incorporating classroom jobs can be an excellent way to foster a sense of responsibility, teamwork, and ownership among students. Assigning specific tasks to students not only helps in managing the classroom but also enhances their organizational skills. This article explores various classroom jobs suitable for 6th graders and how they can benefit both the students and the learning environment.

Benefits Of Classroom Jobs

1. Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an organized manner while transitioning between activities or moving around the school. This job helps students develop leadership skills and learn the importance of following instructions.

Line Leader Responsibilities

2. Door Holder

The door holder has the task of holding the door open for classmates as they enter or exit the classroom. This job promotes kindness and empathy as students help their peers with small gestures.

Door Holder Responsibilities

3. Paper Monitor

The paper monitor collects and distributes worksheets, assignments, and other paper-based materials in the classroom. This role helps students develop organizational skills and promotes timeliness in submitting work.

Paper Monitor Duties

4. Librarian

The librarian is responsible for maintaining the classroom library, organizing books, and assisting classmates in finding resources. This job helps students develop a love for reading and enhances their organizational skills.

Classroom Librarian Responsibilities

5. Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and manage classroom technology, troubleshoots minor issues, and assists classmates with technology-related tasks. This job enhances students' technological literacy and problem-solving abilities.

Technology Assistant Responsibilities

6. Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is responsible for updating the classroom calendar, noting important dates, and reminding classmates about upcoming events. This role helps students develop time management skills and fosters a sense of organization.

Calendar Keeper Duties

7. Materials Manager

The materials manager ensures that all necessary materials, such as pencils, erasers, and textbooks, are readily available for classmates. This job teaches students about resource management and the importance of being prepared.

Materials Manager Responsibilities

8. Class Messenger

The class messenger is responsible for delivering important messages or notes to other teachers or staff members in the school. This job enhances communication skills and fosters responsibility in students.

Class Messenger Responsibilities

9. Classroom Photographer

The classroom photographer captures memorable moments throughout the school year, documenting class activities and events. This job allows students to explore their creativity and creates lasting memories for the entire class.

Classroom Photographer Duties

10. Discussion Leader

The discussion leader facilitates class discussions, encourages student participation, and ensures that everyone has an opportunity to voice their opinions. This role helps students develop critical thinking skills and enhances their ability to communicate effectively.

Discussion Leader Responsibilities


Implementing classroom jobs in a 6th-grade classroom not only helps in managing the day-to-day tasks but also empowers students, promotes teamwork, and fosters a positive learning environment. By assigning responsibilities to students, they develop valuable life skills and a sense of ownership in their learning journey.

Related video of Classroom Jobs for 6th Grade