Classroom Jobs for Grade 1

Classroom Jobs For Grade 1


Assigning classroom jobs to students in grade 1 can have numerous benefits. It not only teaches them responsibility but also helps in developing essential life skills. With the right classroom jobs, students can feel a sense of ownership and contribute to the smooth functioning of the classroom. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs that are suitable for grade 1 students.

Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class when moving from one location to another, such as during recess or when transitioning to another classroom. This job helps the student develop leadership skills and learn to guide their peers in an organized manner.

Door Holder

Door Holder

The door holder is responsible for holding the door open for the class when entering or exiting the classroom. This job teaches the student about manners and being considerate towards others.

Calendar Helper

Calendar Helper

The calendar helper is in charge of updating the class calendar. They can mark important dates, birthdays, or any upcoming events. This job helps the student learn about time management and organization.

Weather Reporter

Weather Reporter

The weather reporter is responsible for checking and reporting the weather to the class. They can use visual aids or drawings to represent the weather conditions. This job helps the student develop observation skills and learn about different weather patterns.

Pencil Monitor

Pencil Monitor

The pencil monitor ensures that all students have a sharpened pencil and eraser before starting any writing or drawing activities. This job helps the student learn about responsibility and taking care of classroom supplies.

Library Helper

Library Helper

The library helper assists the teacher in organizing and maintaining the classroom library. They can help with arranging books, returning borrowed books, or suggesting new books to read. This job promotes a love for reading and helps the student develop organizational skills.



The messenger is responsible for delivering messages or important documents to other teachers or staff members. This job teaches the student about responsibility and the importance of clear communication.

Plant Caretaker

Plant Caretaker

The plant caretaker is in charge of watering the plants in the classroom. They can also help in maintaining the overall cleanliness of the plants. This job teaches the student about nurturing and taking care of living things.

Table Captain

Table Captain

The table captain ensures that their assigned table is clean and organized. They can distribute materials and collect them at the end of the activity. This job promotes teamwork and helps the student develop organizational skills.

Class Photographer

Class Photographer

The class photographer is responsible for capturing memorable moments in the classroom. They can take pictures during special events, field trips, or class projects. This job encourages creativity and helps the student develop photography skills.


Assigning classroom jobs to grade 1 students not only benefits the overall classroom management but also helps in their personal development. The responsibilities associated with these jobs teach them important life skills such as leadership, organization, responsibility, and teamwork. By giving students a chance to contribute to the classroom, they develop a sense of ownership and pride. Encouraging and rotating classroom jobs regularly can create a positive learning environment for all students.

Related video of Classroom Jobs for Grade 1