Classroom Jobs for Intermediate Students

Classroom Jobs


Assigning classroom jobs to students can be a great way to foster responsibility, teamwork, and a sense of ownership in the classroom. For intermediate students, it is important to provide them with meaningful tasks that contribute to the smooth running of the classroom. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs that are suitable for intermediate students.


1. Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor is responsible for taking attendance at the beginning of each class and reporting any absences to the teacher. This job helps students develop organizational skills and a sense of punctuality.


2. Librarian

The librarian is in charge of keeping the classroom library organized. They ensure that books are properly shelved, help their peers find books, and maintain a log of borrowed books. This job encourages students to develop a love for reading and responsibility for shared resources.


3. Materials Manager

The materials manager is responsible for distributing and collecting materials such as worksheets, textbooks, and art supplies. They ensure that everyone has what they need for each lesson and help keep the classroom tidy. This job fosters organizational skills and a sense of accountability.

Materials Manager

4. Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and troubleshoot technology-related equipment in the classroom, such as computers, projectors, and interactive whiteboards. They ensure that everything is in working order and assist their peers and teachers with technical difficulties. This job enhances technological literacy and problem-solving skills.

Technology Assistant

5. Classroom Photographer

The classroom photographer captures candid moments and special events in the classroom. They document class projects, field trips, and other memorable experiences. This job encourages creativity and helps create a sense of community among students.

Classroom Photographer

6. Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is responsible for updating the classroom calendar with important dates, events, and deadlines. They help their peers stay organized and informed. This job promotes time management skills and helps students develop a sense of responsibility.

Calendar Keeper

7. Classroom Ambassador

The classroom ambassador welcomes visitors, new students, or guest speakers to the classroom. They provide information about the class and assist with any necessary arrangements. This job helps students develop social skills and a sense of hospitality.

Classroom Ambassador

8. Environmental Steward

The environmental steward is responsible for promoting eco-friendly practices within the classroom. They ensure that recycling bins are used correctly, lights are turned off when not in use, and remind their peers about the importance of conserving resources. This job cultivates awareness about environmental issues and encourages sustainable habits.

Environmental Steward

9. Supply Manager

The supply manager keeps track of classroom supplies and notifies the teacher when items need to be replenished. They also help organize and tidy up supply areas, ensuring that everything is easily accessible. This job develops organizational skills and a sense of resourcefulness.

Supply Manager

10. Behavior Monitor

The behavior monitor keeps an eye on the classroom environment and reports any disruptive behavior or conflicts to the teacher. They may also assist in implementing behavior management strategies. This job promotes a positive and respectful classroom atmosphere.

Behavior Monitor


Assigning classroom jobs to intermediate students not only helps with the smooth functioning of the classroom but also imparts valuable life skills. By taking on these responsibilities, students learn to be accountable, organized, and collaborative. These jobs create a sense of belonging and empower students to actively contribute to their learning environment.

Related video of Classroom Jobs for Intermediate Students