Classroom Jobs List

Classroom Jobs List


Having classroom jobs is a great way to foster responsibility and teamwork among students. By assigning specific tasks to each student, you can create an organized and efficient classroom environment. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive list of classroom jobs that you can implement in your own classroom.

Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class when transitioning from one location to another, such as going to the library or the playground. They ensure that the students walk in an orderly manner and follow the designated path.



The caboose is responsible for making sure that no student is left behind when the class is moving as a group. They ensure that everyone is accounted for and notify the teacher if someone is missing.

Classroom Librarian

Classroom Librarian

The classroom librarian is in charge of organizing and maintaining the classroom library. They ensure that books are properly shelved, help students find books, and keep track of borrowed books.

Materials Manager

Materials Manager

The materials manager is responsible for distributing and collecting classroom materials, such as pencils, erasers, and worksheets. They ensure that each student has the necessary supplies for the day's activities.

Classroom Messenger

Classroom Messenger

The classroom messenger is in charge of delivering important messages or notes from the teacher to other staff members or students. They ensure that the communication within the classroom is effective and timely.

Chair Stacker

Chair Stacker

The chair stacker is responsible for stacking and arranging chairs neatly at the end of the day or during cleaning sessions. They ensure that the classroom is tidy and ready for the next day.

Calendar Keeper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is in charge of updating the classroom calendar. They mark important dates, such as holidays or field trips, and remind the class about upcoming events or activities.

Attendance Monitor

Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor is responsible for taking attendance at the beginning of each day. They ensure that all students are present and inform the teacher of any absences.

Board Cleaner

Board Cleaner

The board cleaner is in charge of erasing the whiteboard or chalkboard after each lesson. They ensure that the board is clean and ready for the next activity.

Plant Caretaker

Plant Caretaker

The plant caretaker is responsible for watering and taking care of any plants in the classroom. They ensure that the plants are healthy and thriving.



The substitute is in charge of filling in for absent students. They collect any missed assignments or notes and provide assistance to the absent student when they return.



The organizer is responsible for keeping the classroom tidy and organized. They ensure that supplies are properly stored, desks are clean, and the classroom is free from clutter.

Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps with setting up and troubleshooting any technological devices or equipment used in the classroom. They assist both the teacher and students in utilizing technology effectively.

Lunch Helper

Lunch Helper

The lunch helper assists the teacher during lunchtime. They ensure that students are seated properly, help distribute food, and maintain a calm and orderly lunch environment.

Recycling Monitor

Recycling Monitor

The recycling monitor is responsible for promoting recycling habits within the classroom. They ensure that recycling bins are available, educate students about the importance of recycling, and monitor proper disposal of recyclable items.

Classroom Photographer

Classroom Photographer

The classroom photographer captures memorable moments during class activities or special events. They take photos or videos that can be shared with students and parents to celebrate achievements and milestones.

Peer Tutor

Peer Tutor

The peer tutor provides academic support to fellow classmates. They assist struggling students with understanding concepts or completing assignments, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Playground Equipment Manager

Playground Equipment Manager

The playground equipment manager is responsible for ensuring that playground equipment is used safely and put away correctly. They remind students to take turns and report any damaged equipment to the teacher.

Classroom Historian

Classroom Historian

The classroom historian keeps a record of classroom events and milestones. They create scrapbooks or digital portfolios that document the class's journey throughout the school year.

Table Washer

Table Washer

The table washer is responsible for cleaning and sanitizing classroom tables. They ensure that surfaces are free from dirt and germs to maintain a healthy learning environment.

Lost and Found Monitor

Lost And Found Monitor

The lost and found monitor keeps track of misplaced items within the classroom. They organize lost items and help students locate their belongings.

Homework Collector

Homework Collector

The homework collector is responsible for collecting homework assignments from classmates. They ensure that all assignments are submitted on time and inform the teacher of any missing assignments.

Classroom Greeter

Classroom Greeter

The classroom greeter welcomes visitors, such as guest speakers or parents, to the classroom. They ensure that visitors feel comfortable and assist them with any necessary information.

First Aid Assistant

First Aid Assistant

The first aid assistant is responsible for providing basic first aid to classmates in case of minor injuries. They ensure that the classroom is equipped with necessary first aid supplies and assist the teacher in handling medical situations.

Classroom Blogger

Classroom Blogger

The classroom blogger writes and maintains a blog that showcases student work, projects, and activities. They help promote the classroom's achievements and engage with an online audience.

Noise Monitor

Noise Monitor

The noise monitor ensures that the classroom noise level is kept at an appropriate level for learning. They remind classmates to speak softly and report any excessive noise to the teacher.

Classroom Chef

Classroom Chef

The classroom chef assists the teacher with simple cooking or baking activities. They help gather ingredients, measure quantities, and assist classmates in following recipes, promoting culinary skills.

Classroom Meteorologist

Classroom Meteorologist

The classroom meteorologist is responsible for monitoring and reporting daily weather conditions. They help create weather charts and inform the class about upcoming weather changes.

Art Supply Manager

Art Supply Manager

The art supply manager ensures that art materials are organized and readily available for class projects. They maintain an inventory, restock supplies, and assist classmates in selecting appropriate materials.

Classroom DJ

Classroom Dj

The classroom DJ is responsible for selecting and playing background music during appropriate classroom activities. They create playlists that enhance the learning environment and promote a positive atmosphere.


Implementing classroom jobs not only promotes a sense of responsibility and teamwork among students but also helps create an organized and efficient learning environment. By assigning specific tasks to each student, you can foster a collaborative classroom community. Remember to rotate the jobs periodically to give everyone an opportunity to take on different responsibilities. Encourage students to take pride in their assigned roles and recognize their contributions to the classroom. By utilizing this comprehensive list of classroom jobs, you can create a positive and engaging environment that enhances the overall learning experience for your students.

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