Classroom Jobs for Middle School Students

Classroom Jobs For Middle School Students

Creating a sense of responsibility and ownership among middle school students is crucial for their development. One effective way to achieve this is by assigning classroom jobs to students. Classroom jobs not only help in the smooth functioning of the classroom but also teach important life skills such as teamwork, organization, and leadership. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs that are suitable for middle school students.

1. Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an orderly manner during transitions between classes or activities. This job requires the student to be punctual, responsible, and able to follow instructions. Being a line leader helps develop leadership skills and encourages accountability.

2. Door Holder

Door Holder

The door holder is responsible for holding the door open for classmates and teachers as they enter or leave the classroom. This job promotes manners, kindness, and awareness of others. It also teaches the importance of being helpful and considerate.

3. Paper Monitor

Paper Monitor

The paper monitor ensures that all necessary papers, assignments, and handouts are distributed to students. They also collect completed assignments and organize them for the teacher. This job helps students develop organizational skills, attention to detail, and responsibility.

4. Supply Manager

Supply Manager

The supply manager is responsible for keeping the classroom supplies organized and replenished. They ensure that students have access to necessary materials such as pencils, erasers, and notebooks. This job teaches students the importance of being prepared and organized.

5. Librarian


The librarian keeps the classroom library neat and organized. They arrange books, check them in and out to fellow students, and help maintain a peaceful reading environment. This job promotes a love for reading, responsibility, and attention to detail.

6. Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and troubleshoot any technical devices used in the classroom, such as computers or projectors. They ensure that all technology is functioning properly and assist fellow students and teachers with any technical issues. This job enhances problem-solving skills and technological proficiency.

7. Class Photographer

Class Photographer

The class photographer captures memorable moments through photographs during class events, field trips, or special activities. They may also be responsible for organizing and creating a digital or physical class photo album. This job encourages creativity, attention to detail, and artistic skills.

8. Calendar Keeper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper maintains and updates the classroom calendar, noting important dates such as tests, assignments, and upcoming events. They can also assist in reminding classmates of upcoming deadlines or activities. This job promotes organizational skills, time management, and responsibility.

9. Morning Greeter

Morning Greeter

The morning greeter welcomes classmates and teachers as they enter the classroom each day. They may also assist with morning routines such as taking attendance or distributing morning assignments. This job encourages friendliness, responsibility, and good communication skills.

10. Cleanliness Crew

Cleanliness Crew

The cleanliness crew ensures that the classroom remains clean and organized throughout the day. They may be responsible for tidying up desks, organizing supplies, or even doing light cleaning tasks. This job promotes cleanliness, responsibility, and a sense of pride in the learning environment.

11. Classroom Messenger

Classroom Messenger

The classroom messenger assists the teacher in delivering notes or important messages to other teachers or staff members within the school. This job requires reliability, good communication skills, and the ability to follow instructions carefully.

12. Attendance Monitor

Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor keeps track of daily attendance and ensures that all students are accounted for. They may assist the teacher in recording attendance and reporting any absences to the office. This job promotes responsibility, attention to detail, and good record-keeping skills.

13. Timekeeper


The timekeeper helps the teacher manage time during various activities or assignments. They may remind the class when a certain task needs to be completed or when it is time to transition to the next activity. This job enhances time management skills and responsibility.

14. Homework Monitor

Homework Monitor

The homework monitor ensures that all students have completed their homework assignments and may assist the teacher in collecting and organizing the assignments. They may also help classmates with questions related to homework. This job promotes responsibility, organization, and a sense of accountability for completing assignments.

15. Classroom Blogger

Classroom Blogger

The classroom blogger is responsible for maintaining a classroom blog or website where they can share the class's achievements, projects, or upcoming events. They may also assist in documenting class activities through writing, photography, or video. This job enhances communication skills, creativity, and technological proficiency.

16. Peer Tutor

Peer Tutor

The peer tutor assists fellow students who may be struggling with a particular subject or concept. They may offer one-on-one support, explain difficult concepts, or help with homework. This job promotes empathy, patience, and leadership skills.

17. Classroom Greeter

Classroom Greeter

The classroom greeter welcomes visitors, such as guest speakers or parents, to the classroom. They may also assist in directing visitors to the appropriate location or helping them feel comfortable. This job enhances communication skills, friendliness, and confidence.

18. Sports Equipment Manager

Sports Equipment Manager

The sports equipment manager ensures that all sports equipment is organized, maintained, and ready for use during physical education or sports activities. They may assist in distributing and collecting equipment and keeping an inventory. This job promotes organization, responsibility, and teamwork.

19. Recycling Monitor

Recycling Monitor

The recycling monitor educates classmates about the importance of recycling and ensures that recyclable materials are properly disposed of in the classroom. They may assist in organizing recycling bins and promoting eco-friendly practices within the classroom. This job promotes environmental awareness, responsibility, and sustainability.

20. Class Historian

Class Historian

The class historian documents and keeps a record of significant events, achievements, or milestones that occur throughout the school year. They may create a scrapbook, digital presentation, or other forms of documentation. This job promotes creativity, attention to detail, and a sense of pride in the class's accomplishments.

21. Recess Supervisor

Recess Supervisor

The recess supervisor assists teachers in supervising students during recess or breaks. They help ensure that all students are safe, following the rules, and engaging in positive activities. This job promotes leadership skills, responsibility, and the ability to handle conflicts or challenges.

22. Lost and Found Manager

Lost And Found Manager

The lost and found manager maintains a lost and found area within the classroom, ensuring that lost items are properly labeled and returned to their owners. They may also assist classmates in locating lost items. This job promotes organization, responsibility, and a sense of community within the classroom.

23. Art Supply Organizer

Art Supply Organizer

The art supply organizer ensures that all art supplies are well-stocked, organized, and ready for use during art activities. They may assist in distributing and collecting art materials and keeping an inventory. This job enhances organization, responsibility, and creativity.

24. Gardener


The gardener takes care of any indoor plants or classroom gardens, ensuring they are watered, pruned, and well-maintained. They may also assist in teaching classmates about plant care and the importance of green spaces. This job promotes responsibility, patience, and environmental awareness.

25. Event Planner

Event Planner

The event planner assists in organizing and planning special events or class celebrations. They may help with tasks such as creating invitations, decorating the classroom, or coordinating activities. This job enhances organizational skills, creativity, and teamwork.

26. Health and Safety Monitor

Health And Safety Monitor

The health and safety monitor ensures that the classroom environment is safe and healthy for all students. They may assist in reminding classmates about proper hygiene practices, checking for potential hazards, and promoting a positive and inclusive atmosphere. This job promotes responsibility, empathy, and awareness.

27. Morning Announcer

Morning Announcer

The morning announcer delivers the daily announcements or important messages to the class each morning. They may also assist in preparing or organizing materials needed for the announcements. This job promotes public speaking skills, responsibility, and good communication.

28. Conflict Mediator

Conflict Mediator

The conflict mediator helps classmates resolve conflicts or disagreements in a peaceful and respectful manner. They may assist in facilitating discussions, encouraging empathy, and finding solutions. This job promotes empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution skills.

29. Classroom Historian

Classroom Historian

The classroom historian keeps a record of classroom activities, achievements, or special moments throughout the school year. They may create a digital or physical classroom journal or scrapbook. This job promotes creativity, attention to detail, and a sense of pride in the classroom community.

30. Discussion Leader

Discussion Leader

The discussion leader facilitates class discussions by asking thought-provoking questions, encouraging participation, and promoting respectful dialogue. They may also assist in summarizing key points or guiding classmates through critical thinking exercises. This job enhances leadership skills, critical thinking, and effective communication.

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