Classroom Jobs in Upper Elementary

Classroom Jobs In Upper Elementary

Assigning classroom jobs to students in upper elementary grades can have numerous benefits. Not only does it teach them responsibility and accountability, but it also fosters a sense of community and teamwork within the classroom. By assigning various tasks and responsibilities to students, teachers can create a well-organized and smoothly functioning classroom environment. In this article, we will explore the importance of classroom jobs in upper elementary grades and highlight some popular job ideas.

The Importance of Classroom Jobs

The Importance Of Classroom Jobs

Classroom jobs play a vital role in empowering students and giving them a sense of ownership in their learning environment. By assigning specific tasks to students, teachers can delegate responsibilities and encourage students to take charge of their classroom. This not only helps in developing their organizational skills but also instills a sense of pride and accomplishment. Moreover, classroom jobs promote a sense of community and cooperation among students, as they learn to work together towards a common goal.

Popular Classroom Job Ideas

Popular Classroom Job Ideas

There are numerous classroom job options that can be assigned to upper elementary students. Let's explore some popular job ideas:

1. Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an organized manner when transitioning between locations, such as going to the library or the cafeteria.

2. Door Holder

Door Holder

The door holder's role is to hold the door open for classmates, ensuring that everyone enters and exits the classroom safely.

3. Paper Monitor

Paper Monitor

The paper monitor is in charge of distributing and collecting assignments or other paperwork, ensuring that each student receives the necessary materials.

4. Librarian


The librarian is responsible for maintaining the classroom library, organizing books, and assisting classmates in finding appropriate reading materials.

5. Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps set up and maintain classroom technology equipment, troubleshoots minor issues, and assists classmates with technology-related tasks.

6. Board Cleaner

Board Cleaner

The board cleaner ensures that the whiteboard or chalkboard is clean and ready for use, erasing previous notes or drawings.

7. Supply Monitor

Supply Monitor

The supply monitor is responsible for keeping track of classroom supplies, such as pencils, erasers, and markers, and restocking them as needed.

8. Gardener


The gardener takes care of classroom plants, ensuring they are watered regularly and maintaining a pleasant and nurturing environment.

9. Calendar Keeper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper updates the classroom calendar with important dates, events, and assignments, ensuring that everyone is aware of upcoming activities.

10. Messenger


The messenger delivers notes or messages from the teacher to other staff members or students, ensuring effective communication within the school.

These are just a few examples of the many classroom job ideas that can be assigned to upper elementary students. It is important to rotate the jobs regularly, so each student gets the opportunity to experience different responsibilities.


Implementing classroom jobs in upper elementary grades is a valuable practice that benefits both students and teachers. It instills a sense of responsibility, fosters teamwork, and creates a well-organized learning environment. By assigning various tasks to students, teachers empower them to take ownership of their classroom and contribute to its smooth functioning. So, consider incorporating classroom jobs in your upper elementary classroom and witness the positive impact it can have on your students' development.

Related video of Classroom Jobs in Upper Elementary