Classroom Jobs for Upper Elementary 5th Grades

Classroom Jobs


Classroom jobs are a great way to foster a sense of responsibility and ownership among students in upper elementary 5th grades. These jobs not only help in managing the classroom effectively but also teach important life skills such as teamwork, time management, and organization. In this article, we will explore various classroom jobs that are suitable for 5th-grade students.


1. Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class during transitions, such as moving from one classroom to another or lining up for recess. This job requires a student who can demonstrate leadership skills and maintain order in the line.

Line Leader

2. Door Holder

The door holder is in charge of holding the door open for classmates as they enter or exit the classroom. This job helps promote manners and teaches students to be considerate of others.

Door Holder

3. Librarian

The librarian is responsible for organizing and maintaining the classroom library. This includes keeping books in order, checking them in and out, and recommending books to classmates. The librarian promotes a love for reading and ensures that the library remains tidy.


4. Materials Manager

The materials manager ensures that all necessary materials, such as pencils, erasers, and notebooks, are readily available for classmates. This job helps students develop organizational skills and ensures that everyone has the tools they need to succeed.

Materials Manager

5. Technology Guru

The technology guru assists classmates and the teacher with any technological needs in the classroom. This includes setting up devices, troubleshooting technical issues, and helping classmates navigate online platforms. The technology guru plays a crucial role in the digital age.

Technology Guru

6. Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is responsible for updating the class calendar with important dates, such as field trips, tests, and special events. This job helps students stay organized and aware of upcoming events.

Calendar Keeper

7. Messenger

The messenger is in charge of delivering messages or important notes from the teacher to other classrooms or the school office. This job requires a student who is reliable and can be trusted to deliver information accurately.


8. Clean-Up Crew

The clean-up crew ensures that the classroom remains clean and organized throughout the day. This includes tidying up desks, organizing supplies, and keeping the classroom environment conducive to learning.

Clean-Up Crew

9. Timekeeper

The timekeeper is responsible for managing the classroom schedule and ensuring that activities and transitions happen on time. This job helps students develop time management skills and teaches them the importance of punctuality.


10. Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor keeps track of student attendance and reports any absences to the teacher. This job helps promote accountability and ensures that all students are accounted for.

Attendance Monitor

11. Gardener

The gardener is responsible for taking care of plants in the classroom or school garden. This includes watering, pruning, and ensuring that the plants receive adequate sunlight. The gardener promotes a sense of environmental responsibility and teaches students about the importance of nurturing living things.


12. Classroom Photographer

The classroom photographer captures special moments and events in the classroom through photographs. This job helps create lasting memories and can be used for class projects, yearbooks, or sharing with parents.

Classroom Photographer

13. Sports Equipment Manager

The sports equipment manager is responsible for organizing and maintaining sports equipment for physical education classes or recess activities. This job ensures that equipment is in good condition and ready for use.

Sports Equipment Manager

14. Recycling Monitor

The recycling monitor educates classmates about the importance of recycling and ensures that recycling bins are being used correctly. This job promotes environmental awareness and teaches students about sustainability.

Recycling Monitor

15. Snack Helper

The snack helper assists the teacher in distributing snacks or organizing snack time. This job helps promote responsibility and teaches students about healthy eating habits.

Snack Helper

16. Art Assistant

The art assistant helps the art teacher with various tasks, such as organizing art supplies, setting up art stations, and assisting classmates during art projects. This job allows students to express their creativity and develop artistic skills.

Art Assistant

17. Music Maestro

The music maestro assists the music teacher with tasks such as setting up instruments, organizing sheet music, and leading warm-up exercises. This job allows students to develop their musical abilities and share their love for music with classmates.

Music Maestro

18. Weather Reporter

The weather reporter provides daily weather updates to the class. This job helps students understand weather patterns and develop observation skills.

Weather Reporter

19. Classroom Historian

The classroom historian keeps a record of important events, milestones, and achievements in the classroom. This job helps create a sense of pride and allows students to reflect on their progress throughout the year.

Classroom Historian

20. Peer Tutor

The peer tutor assists classmates who may need extra help or clarification with their schoolwork. This job promotes collaboration and empathy among students.

Peer Tutor


Implementing classroom jobs in upper elementary 5th grades not only helps in managing the classroom effectively but also allows students to develop important life skills. By assigning these jobs, students learn responsibility, teamwork, and organization. Moreover, they feel a sense of ownership and pride in contributing to their classroom community. These jobs prepare students for future challenges and instill habits that will benefit them throughout their academic journey and beyond.

Related video of Classroom Jobs for Upper Elementary 5th Grades