Kindergarten Jobs Chart: Classroom Helpers

Kindergarten Jobs Chart

Creating a jobs chart in a kindergarten classroom is a wonderful way to teach responsibility, promote teamwork, and empower young learners. By assigning different roles to students, you can establish a sense of ownership and encourage them to actively participate in classroom management. In this article, we will explore various classroom helper jobs that can be included in a kindergarten jobs chart.

Line Leader

Line Leader

The line leader is responsible for leading the class in an organized manner when transitioning from one location to another. They set an example for their peers by walking quietly and following the teacher's directions. This job helps develop leadership skills and promotes a sense of responsibility.

Door Holder

Door Holder

The door holder assists classmates by holding the door open when the class is entering or leaving the classroom. This job teaches students about courtesy and being considerate towards others. It also encourages them to be aware of their surroundings and to help their peers.

Calendar Helper

Calendar Helper

The calendar helper is responsible for updating the classroom calendar. They mark the date, weather, and special events or holidays. This job helps students develop an understanding of time and weather concepts. It also encourages them to stay organized and engaged in daily classroom activities.



The librarian keeps the classroom library neat and organized. They ensure books are returned to their proper places and assist classmates in finding books of interest. This job promotes a love for reading and teaches students about the importance of taking care of shared resources.



The messenger delivers important notes or items from the teacher to other staff members or classrooms. This job teaches students responsibility, reliability, and the importance of clear communication. It also helps them develop their social skills as they interact with different individuals within the school community.

Materials Manager

Materials Manager

The materials manager ensures that all necessary supplies are readily available for classroom activities. They distribute materials to their classmates and collect them at the end of the lesson. This job promotes organizational skills and helps students become more independent in their learning journey.

Snack Helper

Snack Helper

The snack helper assists with distributing snacks and drinks during designated break times. They also ensure that everyone has a clean and tidy eating area. This job encourages students to be responsible for their own belongings and fosters a sense of community during snack time.



The gardener takes care of classroom plants, watering them regularly and ensuring they receive sufficient sunlight. This job teaches students about the importance of nurturing living things, responsibility, and patience. It also provides an opportunity for hands-on learning about the environment and nature.

Weather Reporter

Weather Reporter

The weather reporter is responsible for observing and reporting the daily weather conditions. They can create a simple weather chart or use pictures to represent different weather patterns. This job helps students develop their observation skills and learn about different types of weather.

Table Washer

Table Washer

The table washer ensures that classroom tables are clean and tidy. They wipe surfaces and organize materials left behind. This job promotes cleanliness, responsibility, and respect for the learning environment. It also encourages students to take pride in their classroom space.

Art Assistant

Art Assistant

The art assistant helps the teacher prepare art supplies and clean up after art activities. They may also assist classmates with art projects, providing guidance and encouragement. This job fosters creativity, teamwork, and responsibility. It allows students to develop their artistic skills and explore their imagination.

Recycling Monitor

Recycling Monitor

The recycling monitor ensures that recyclable materials are properly sorted and placed in designated bins. They educate their peers about the importance of recycling and reducing waste. This job promotes environmental consciousness and responsibility towards the planet.

Pet Helper

Pet Helper

If the classroom has a pet, the pet helper takes care of its basic needs, such as feeding and cleaning its habitat. They may also assist the teacher with pet-related lessons or activities. This job teaches students about empathy, responsibility, and caring for living creatures.

Math Helper

Math Helper

The math helper assists their classmates with math-related activities or concepts. They may explain concepts, provide guidance, or help solve problems. This job promotes mathematical understanding, collaboration, and leadership skills. It allows students to reinforce their own knowledge while helping others.

Playground Captain

Playground Captain

The playground captain ensures that classmates follow the rules and play safely during outdoor playtime. They also help resolve conflicts and include everyone in games. This job teaches students about fair play, teamwork, and conflict resolution skills. It promotes a positive and inclusive playground environment.

Helper of the Day

Helper Of The Day

The helper of the day assists the teacher with various tasks throughout the day. Their responsibilities may vary, allowing them to experience different roles and develop a wide range of skills. This job encourages students to be flexible, adaptable, and responsible in various classroom situations.


A kindergarten jobs chart with classroom helpers is a valuable tool for teaching responsibility, promoting teamwork, and empowering young learners. By assigning different roles to students, you cultivate a sense of ownership and create an environment where everyone contributes to classroom management. From line leaders to art assistants, each job helps students develop various skills while fostering a positive classroom community. Implementing a kindergarten jobs chart not only supports individual growth but also encourages collaboration and empathy among students.

Related video of Kindergarten Jobs Chart: Classroom Helpers