Classroom Jobs for Upper Elementary

Classroom Jobs

Having classroom jobs in an upper elementary classroom can be a great way to teach responsibility, promote teamwork, and help students develop important life skills. By assigning different tasks to students, you can create a sense of ownership and community within the classroom. In this article, we will explore various classroom job ideas that are suitable for upper elementary students.

1. Classroom Librarian

Classroom Librarian

The classroom librarian is responsible for organizing and maintaining the classroom library. They can sort books, check them in and out to fellow students, and keep the library area tidy. This job not only promotes organization skills but also encourages a love for reading.

2. Line Leader and Door Holder

Line Leader And Door Holder

The line leader and door holder are responsible for leading the class during transitions and ensuring that everyone moves in an orderly manner. This job helps students develop leadership skills and teaches them the importance of being considerate and helpful to others.

3. Classroom Messenger

Classroom Messenger

The classroom messenger is in charge of delivering important notes or materials to other teachers or staff members. They learn to be responsible and reliable in carrying out their duties while practicing effective communication skills.

4. Technology Assistant

Technology Assistant

The technology assistant helps with setting up and maintaining classroom technology, such as computers, projectors, or interactive whiteboards. They can assist teachers and fellow students with troubleshooting technical issues, allowing for a smoother learning experience.

5. Materials Manager

Materials Manager

The materials manager ensures that all necessary materials, such as textbooks, workbooks, and art supplies, are organized and readily available for classroom use. They can help distribute and collect materials as needed, promoting organization and responsibility.

6. Classroom Photographer

Classroom Photographer

The classroom photographer captures special moments and events in the classroom. They can take photos of class projects, field trips, or performances. This job allows students to develop their photography skills and create lasting memories.

7. Calendar Keeper

Calendar Keeper

The calendar keeper is responsible for updating the classroom calendar with important dates, such as birthdays, holidays, or upcoming events. They can also assist in planning and reminding the class about any scheduled activities or assignments.

8. Classroom Cleaner

Classroom Cleaner

The classroom cleaner ensures that the classroom is kept clean and organized. They can tidy up desks, wipe surfaces, and empty trash bins. This job teaches students the importance of cleanliness and taking care of their environment.

9. Attendance Monitor

Attendance Monitor

The attendance monitor keeps track of daily attendance and helps the teacher maintain accurate records. They can assist in marking attendance, noting any absences, and reporting them to the teacher. This job promotes responsibility and attention to detail.

10. Pencil Patrol

Pencil Patrol

The pencil patrol ensures that there are always sharpened pencils available for students to use. They can collect dull pencils, sharpen them, and distribute them when needed. This job helps students develop a sense of responsibility and ensures a smooth flow of classroom activities.

11. Eco-Warrior


The eco-warrior promotes environmental awareness in the classroom. They can remind students to recycle, turn off lights when not in use, and conserve resources. This job encourages students to be mindful of their ecological footprint and make sustainable choices.

12. Classroom Gardener

Classroom Gardener

The classroom gardener takes care of any plants or small garden areas within the classroom. They can water plants, remove dead leaves, and ensure proper sunlight and nutrition. This job provides students with a hands-on experience in nurturing living things.

13. Timekeeper


The timekeeper assists the teacher in managing time during different activities or transitions. They can help remind the class about time limits or when it's time to switch tasks. This job helps students develop a sense of time management and punctuality.

14. Snack Helper

Snack Helper

The snack helper assists in distributing snacks or refreshments to the class. They can also help with cleaning up after snack time. This job promotes responsibility and teamwork while ensuring a smooth snack routine.

15. Lost and Found Manager

Lost And Found Manager

The lost and found manager keeps track of any lost items in the classroom. They can create a system to organize and return lost belongings to their owners. This job teaches students responsibility and empathy towards others.

16. Weather Reporter

Weather Reporter

The weather reporter provides daily weather updates to the class. They can research and present weather forecasts, helping the class plan outdoor activities accordingly. This job encourages students to stay informed about their surroundings.

17. Homework Monitor

Homework Monitor

The homework monitor helps the teacher keep track of completed homework assignments. They can assist in collecting and organizing homework, ensuring that it reaches the right hands. This job promotes responsibility and accountability for completing assignments.

18. Noise Control Officer

Noise Control Officer

The noise control officer ensures that the classroom noise level remains appropriate for learning. They can remind students to lower their voices or maintain a quiet environment during certain activities. This job promotes self-discipline and respect for others.

19. Bulletin Board Decorator

Bulletin Board Decorator

The bulletin board decorator is responsible for creating visually appealing displays on the classroom bulletin board. They can showcase student work, share information, or create themed displays. This job allows students to express their creativity and share their achievements.

20. Recycling Monitor

Recycling Monitor

The recycling monitor encourages proper recycling practices within the classroom. They can educate students about recycling guidelines and ensure that recyclable materials are appropriately disposed of. This job promotes environmental consciousness and responsible waste management.

21. Conflict Mediator

Conflict Mediator

The conflict mediator helps classmates resolve conflicts or disagreements in a peaceful manner. They can listen to both sides, offer solutions, and encourage open communication. This job promotes empathy, problem-solving, and fostering positive relationships.

22. Supply Monitor

Supply Monitor

The supply monitor ensures that the classroom supplies are well-stocked and organized. They can keep track of inventory, request new supplies when needed, and help distribute materials to students. This job promotes organization and ensures a smooth flow of classroom activities.

23. Health and Safety Officer

Health And Safety Officer

The health and safety officer promotes a safe and healthy classroom environment. They can remind students about proper hygiene practices, help maintain cleanliness, and be aware of any potential hazards. This job encourages students to prioritize their well-being.

24. Class Blogger

Class Blogger

The class blogger can write about classroom activities, share student achievements, or document field trips. They can maintain a classroom blog or contribute to a school website. This job allows students to develop their writing skills and share their experiences with a wider audience.

25. Art Station Organizer

Art Station Organizer

The art station organizer ensures that art supplies are properly stored and accessible. They can arrange materials, clean brushes, and help fellow students find what they need. This job promotes artistic expression and responsibility in caring for art materials.

26. Sports Equipment Manager

Sports Equipment Manager

The sports equipment manager takes care of sports equipment used during physical education or recess. They can organize equipment, check for any damage, and ensure everything is ready for use. This job promotes responsibility and encourages physical activity.

27. Celebration Planner

Celebration Planner

The celebration planner organizes and plans class celebrations for special occasions, such as birthdays or holidays. They can coordinate decorations, activities, and snacks. This job encourages teamwork and creativity in organizing memorable events.

28. Math Helper

Math Helper

The math helper assists classmates with math concepts or problem-solving strategies. They can explain concepts, offer guidance, and help peers understand mathematical principles. This job promotes collaboration and reinforces understanding of math concepts.

29. Science Lab Assistant

Science Lab Assistant

The science lab assistant assists the teacher during science experiments or lab activities. They can help set up equipment, gather materials, and clean up afterward. This job provides students with hands-on experience in the scientific process.

30. Music Maestro

Music Maestro

The music maestro can lead the class in singing, play musical instruments, or assist the music teacher during music lessons. They can help create a positive musical environment and encourage classmates to develop their musical talents. This job promotes a love for music and teamwork.

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